SOTABOX III: Fast and Light
我的SOTA器材規劃一直是講求輕便、快速佈署,希望到達後能在兩分鐘內完成架台,並盡快以FT8完成四筆QSO後,接著進行話務SSB通聯。 When it comes to STOA radio gear, I am focused on lightweight and fast deployment, I want to be able to finish stetting up the equipment within two minutes after arriving the summit, and I always begin my activation with FT8, and after four QSOs I switch to phone SSB. 所以,我的第三代SOTABOX,以 Discovery TX-500 無線電機和 Digirig Mobile 介面盒為基礎,含樹莓派、8AH磷酸鋰鐵電池,置於 塑膠彈藥箱 內,含伸縮天線總重量2.8公斤。 My SOTABOX III is based on the Discovery TX-500 , Digirig Mobile , housed in a plastic ammo box with a Raspberry PI and an 8AH LiFEPO battery. The whole system weights 6 lbs including the telescopic antenna. 箱子上部整合了一個手動天線調諧器,沒什麼特別的地方,典型的LC阻抗匹配設計。 On the top of the box sits a manual antenna tuner, nothing fancy, just a typical LC matching circuitry. 箱底則有電池、樹莓派和Digirig Mobile: Battery, Raspberry PI and Digirig Mobile: 這顆電池能同時輸出12V以及5V,同時為無線電機及樹莓派供電。 The battery outputs 12V and 5V at the same time, powering the transceiver and the PI ...